Young Phenom


Stone has made 6 figures by the age of 18!! He hosts the Sticks n Stones podcasts and helps his audience build their business through leveraging social media.

What inspired you to start posting content online?

So many things. I can’t pinpoint just one thing but a couple would be my parents, family, impacting, and connection. I’ve always wanted to impact those around me and my audience!

What challenges have you overcome along your journey?

Countless! From loneliness to not even knowing what to do next! Challenges are a part of any journey worth meaning and you must fight through for the meaning.

What advice would you give a Creator who is just starting out?

Don’t stop. Most creators and businesses aren’t successful because they can’t wait 12 months and they quit. You will face challenges and you will suck. Your success is directly correlated to how you handle those challenges and your enthusiasm moving forward.