Dr. Digital Product


Dr. Craig Clayton is a Wellness & Biomimetic Dentist from Idaho who hosts the ‘Dentistry Disrupted’ podcast and teaches people how to be cavity-free!

What inspired you to start posting content online?

Our inspiration for launching digital products was none other than The Abigail Peugh (Stan Store's first millionaire). We saw what she was doing selling digital products and knew there was a way to take what Dr. Clayton was passionate about and put it into a digital product! 

We opened our dental practice this year, which has been a ton of work on top of social media and digital product creation. We also have two young kids. There have been a lot of late nights and days of wondering if it is all worth it. But stepping into the digital product world is what has kept us from full-on burnout because we see a path to a life where we don't have to trade our time for money.

What advice would you give a Creator who is just starting out?

My advice is that there is never a perfect time. You will never be less busy. Just do it. Do it when it is hard and scary. This is what we did and now we have passive sales every day and we are on our way to building our dream life!