

Cari is a mother of 3 boys who was struggling to balance it all. Now, she helps other Moms absolutely crush it with her Motherboard planners, Home Flow Toolkits, weekly newsletter, and Morning Menus!

Cari’s Story

So the beginning of my motherhood journey was just pretty rough. Between having my three boys all within 4 years and figuring out my adult ADHD diagnosis, I just felt like I was just in pure survival mode (and not really coming out on top) - like I would never be able to keep up with all the tasks and responsibilities life kept throwing at me.

Finally got to a breaking point and sat myself down and got really honest with what I valued in my life, what I needed to make happen to reflect those values, and (most importantly) where I needed support to actually make my brain take action. I finally applied my professional training from my Master of Education - using motivation theory, habit formation, and learning theory - to create tools and systems for myself… and so, so much shifted in my life in the best ways.

Anyways, started as something for myself three years ago, and then a few of my mom friends asked me to share, and then starting in July of 2023, I decided to start Motherboard Press to share with other moms who might be feeling the same overwhelm that stole a lot of my joy a few years ago.

It’s been my favorite part - connecting with so many amazing women.

Best advice I would give to other creators starting out is to just start messy!! I got this from @abigailpeugh 🙃 There’s no other way to success than to climb the cringe mountain - and there is no better time to start than now (it will get you to the other side quicker). The other advice that has meant a lot to me is that the only thing that separates successful people from others is that when things get hard or look like failure, they just keep going. 🤍