Highest Earner on Stan


Eduardo is a popular trading coach with 16 years of experience as a Day Trader. He has made over $1M teaching folks how to trade on the stock market and through his Micro Business Trading Course!

What inspired you to start posting content?

My inspiration to create content came from the community itself. Many people always asked how I had accomplished so much and were always interested in learning so I started creating content.

Were there any challenges throughout your Creator journey?

My main challenge was deciding whether or not to start creating content. I was camera shy, scared, and I kept overthinking it. One day I just decided to do it and I have learned so much so far.

What advice would you give a Creator who is just starting out?

My advice for people who want to start but haven’t decided yet is to JUST DO IT! You have nothing to lose. Ignore the haters, ignore that voice that tells you not to do it, and don’t be afraid of what people are going to think of you. JUST DO IT and learn as you go.