High-Ticket Heist ($100+)


Sarah is a revered spiritual creator and thought leader. Her renowned Manifest Magic Workshop with thousands of students has been spotlighted in prominent magazines and podcasts. The profound, life-changing outcomes her students experience are widely praised and celebrated.

Sarah’s Story

I am endlessly grateful to the Stan team for being so incredibly helpful on this journey & Stan as a platform for giving me the opportunity especially at the earliest stages to create a business so simply. Stan has revolutionized the creator economy and has proven that anyone with a dream can create a movement & succeed.

They’ve truly made starting a business accessible to anyone. I owe the majority of my success to my mindset & manifestation. I didn’t know “how” I would create a nearly 7-figure business, I just knew that I would. I used the confidence & belief I had in myself and the Universe to pave the way toward the business of my dreams.

At its core, my business isn’t a business, it is a movement. I have always moved from a place of energy & passion as opposed to strategy and “logic”. I embodied the identity of the person I wanted to become and never let circumstances define my destiny.

The real success though it not in the numbers, but in the depth of impact I’ve been able to have on my clients — the astronomical wins they’ve had & the ripple effect it has set into the world. I’ve been able to attract the most ambitious & revolutionary clients and in the process create my dream life as well.

If I could do it, anyone can. We are all so much more capable than we can even conceptualize.