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Elvira has been tracking her finances ever since she started making her own money at 18. Now, she teaches people how to track their own finances while also promoting financial well-being!

Elvira’s Story

Personal finance has been in my vocabulary ever since my dad made me (more like asked me very persistently until I obliged) read Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki at the age of 14. At the time, I didn't realize how much it would affect my life's trajectory, but here we are. Who would have thought that 10 years later I would be with a Bachelor's degree in finance & economics promoting financial well-being through social media? Not me, for sure.

Even though I've been tracking finances ever since I started making my own money at the age of 18, it never occurred to me that others were also looking to do the same but didn't know how. My main mission was to make it easy, hence, the name of my business: Easesence. Essence of ease. And fun! Personal finance has never been boring to me so I wanted to promote it in a way that would speak to others in the same way it speaks to me. To say: tracking your money is not restricting, it gives you the freedom to direct it where you need and want it the most.

For others wanting or who have just started their own journey as a creator or a business owner, this is the ultimate reflection from my personal experience: You learn by doing. No matter how many books you've read, videos you've watched, or notes you've taken, knowledge isn't power until it is applied. Make a committed decision to believe in yourself and your idea. Life is too short to not do what you want with it.