Best Looking Store


Ava is an Instagram coach who has taught over 1k students (& has a really cute store in our opinion)!!

Ava’s Story

In June 2023, I was working 60+ hours a week and mentally drained. I was constantly helping others close to me achieve their dreams and forgot about mine in the process.. 

Desperate for an out, I decided I would try to become a travel influencer on Instagram with the intention of getting paid brand deals so I could quit my jobs and travel the world. 

I spent months working hard on my content and started emailing brands for potential paid collaborations. 

After receiving 100 “no’s”, I felt defeated, not good enough, and almost gave up. Instead of accepting defeat, I changed direction. I was determined to find another way to generate income on Instagram.

I decided to listen to my audience. My DM's were filled with questions about how I was growing so fast and all things Instagram related! I pivoted and became an Instagram coach, driven by the desire to help others succeed! I then discovered the power of selling digital products and have been excitedly sharing this information with anyone that wants to make money on social media!

Don’t give up on your dreams just because you were told “no”. Be resilient, embrace every step of your journey, and show up everyday like you have 100k followers!