Highest Value Creator


Selected by our #StanFam, Abigail is the runaway winner for our 2023 Highest Value Creator! Abigail has made over $1M teaching people how to make & sell their own digital products!

Tell us about your Creator journey in your own words:

It's been insane, to say the least. 🤣 But, in the best way possible. I've been creating content for other brands for 6+ years now, but 2023 was MY year. I built my own personal brand, created my million dollar digital product suite, and hit $1million in revenue on my stan store. Still feels so unreal that this is my story. 🥹

What has been your favorite part about creating this year?

For sure the connections I've made with my students based on the content I create! It's so freakin' cool to me that my content attracts so many like minded creators and entrepreneurs that want more in life!!! More money, more freedom, more authenticity. And creating content is the only reason I've crossed paths with my students. It's the absolute best, and I feel so honored that I get to create content as my full time job. 

What advice would you give a Creator who is just starting out?

START MESSY, BUT JUST START. So many times our brains come up with excuse after excuse not to start something new. DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE EXCUSES. If I hadn't started my TikTok in secret in the summer of 2022, my life would be drastically different. I didn't have it all figured out when I started. I just started messy and decided that failure wasn't an option for me. 🫶🏼